It is what is on the inside that matters.

We are all taught it is what is on the inside that counts but so often, we jump to tools or gadgets as the solution to our problems and hopes for community engagement practice. While those are important to get the job done, it is more critical to get the inside of your organization set up for success.

Unlocking Government can help you:

  • Create understanding and buy-in for community involvement in your decision making

  • Create diversity and inclusion plans for public involvement

  • Institutionalize processes that are restorative in nature

  • Update and align your engagement policy with best practices

  • Fundamentally shift the way you take in public comment and how you use it

  • Solidify your online engagement practice

    • Create quality questions

    • Get the data you actually need

    • Facilitate and manage discussions effectively

    • Market and drive traffic effectively

  • Ensure your engagement tools are meeting your goals

  • Set up online engagement processes and associated platform, tools, and resources

  • Figure out how online and in-person efforts work together through COVID-19 and beyond

  • Create effective teams to do the work of community engagement

  • Clearly identify where communications, public relations and community engagement intersect for your organization and create a plan for maximizing how they work together